Emotional Intelligence EI / EQ

Are you unable to cope with emotionally charged situations? Do you struggle to manage your feelings under pressure? Do you fail to make others feel heard and understood? Would you like to manage conflict better?

If you answered yes, then learning the skills of emotional intelligence will transform your life!

In a nutshell Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness, understanding how you come across to others, understanding others and managing relationships well. You are able to adjust your feelings, thoughts and behaviours to respond appropriately to changing situations and conditions.

This one-day EQ foundations skills workshop with Yvonne Collier gives you knowledge, tools and techniques.  

  • You practice the skills to gain the confidence to get along with others better.

  • You gain potential for greater cooperation, collaboration and trust that produces better results for you, your team, your clients and your organization.

Yvonne incorporates the latest in positive psychology, neuroscience of mindsets and emotions, mindfulness, conversational intelligence®, assertiveness and neuro linguistic programming, in this interactive experiential workshop. She uses her ‘Mind – Emotions – Physiology – Language’ Model to focus and structure the day.

At the end of the one-day workshop or two half-days, participants will be able to . . . 

·      Identify your strengths and weaknesses

·      Name and handle your emotions

·      Read the emotions and non-verbal cues of others

·      Demonstrate empathy

·      Respond appropriately to a variety of people and situations


Great course. I loved the concepts around how our minds work, and how to rephrase difficult conversations and balance empathy and speaking up. Rachel C

The content was gold, very practical and can be applied to social life and at work. Elisa B
Great chance to reflect, learn more about yourself, and plan how to move forward. Good interactive activities. Linda C
Lots of tools to use. Yvonne knows her stuff and has a wealth of knowledge to share. The tools are digestible to use and practical. Andrew D