Dean Collier
“Know Self, Create Self, Understand Others”
Professional Personal & Business Futurist. Professional Speaker, Educator and Team Builder.
Dean identifies individual attributes, talents and needs for best personal and business success to increases the bottom line of any business.
You will add profit and productivity to your team and business.
With a background of 20 years in corporate travel, combined with 25 years as an educator of the psychology of metaphysics and alternative counsellor, Dean helps you develop your intuitive skills and adds a unique dimension to ‘people skills’ training.
Dean’s happy clients come from a wide range of industries, which include Real Estate, Advertising, Travel, Banking and Employment Agencies.
Keynote Presentations (Tailored to your business and your needs)
Team Building: Rewards & Recognition for Results
Relationships: Creating great relationships at work & play
Human Resources: The right person for the right job
Character Portrayals: Your attributes, talents and needs discovered
Future: Listen to your intuition for success
Nine Human Essences: The real you can get it!
"Dean doesn’t give you the finger nail of your personal and business needs, he gives you the whole hand." - Robyn Henderson | CSP, Global Networking Specialist
Author of The Nine Human Essences
Are you wondering how to get the best out of your employees, colleagues and yourself? Imagine if you could do that with something as simple as recognising someone’s birth date! This practical guide shows you how to achieve this as you learn about the nine human essences.
To succeed in business, 'The Nine Human Essences' will help you to:
accurately predict what a person or business will need
assess people's abilities, attributes, talents and qualities
understand people's needs on a deeper level
know yourself better
develop your intuition
Click on the title of the book to purchase your own copy of The Nine Human Essences
Dean Collier, Ukuleleist Numerologist at the SHKK, Comedy School of Hard Knock Knocks inaugural Sydney graduation performance February 2019. Dean adds an extra dimension / wonderful addition to your conference. Dean is a 'fun-enter-tainer'. Energise your conference participants in between speakers. Audience participation, laughter and engagement.