Enhance your effectiveness
A series of three half-days that build on each other and also can stand alone.
Session 1: How to personally plan, organise and manage
By the end of the session you will . . .
- Identify your objectives / outcomes
- Discover your timewasters and develop techniques to reduce them
- Prioritize your work and manage time effectively
- Discuss strategies to evaluate progress and identify contingencies and alternatives
- Create a flexible action plan
“I am able to prioritise and plan better, and have techniques to manage my stress. And I will continue my time log for the next few weeks.” - Esther P
“The workshop provided me with techniques to improve my time management skills and reduce my stress.” - Eric C
“I learnt techniques to enhance my effectiveness including being present, meditation and thinking more positively.” - Jing L
“I am better able to say No when appropriate, delegate and prioritise.” - Amer E
“I learnt how to improve my time management skills and reduce stress." - Tina A
Session 2: How to be and display resilience
the end of the session you will . . .
- Identify your specific obstacles and difficulties
- Explore 2 models to reframe and handle these challenges
- Demonstrate 3 key strategies to stay positive and committed
- Develop techniques to control your emotions during times of pressure
- Create a road map to recover quickly from setbacks
“I wanted techniques to help me reach my full potential and feel I have the tools to develop more patience, handle stress better and manage expectations.” - Fatima F
“Yvonne’s workshop surpassed my expectations and I know how to be more cool, calm and collected.” - Amer E
“I now have coping strategies so I feel less stressed. I am using more ‘I’ statements, positive rather than negative language, and getting into alpha etc.” - Tina A
“I plan to start each day with a positive mindset, be proactive rather than reactive, reflect, have more ‘me’ time and be more present.” - Eric C
Session 3: How to accept, handle and even promote change!
By the end of the session you will . . .
- Identify your behaviours and challenges around handling change
- Explore 2 models to demonstrate a positive and proactive approach to change
- Deal with ambiguity and make positive use of the opportunity it brings
- Adapt your interpersonal style to suit different people and situations
- Create an action plan to accept, handle and even promote change!
“I wanted to become more flexible and adapt to change better and yes I have new tools to do this. I understand my style and needs better and those of others.” - Agnes G
“ I have successfully applied the LAFFe behavioural styles at work and home and learnt ways to adapt to change and help others accept change too.” - Dorothy S
“The workshop went above and beyond with ideas and practical ways to adapt to change more effectively”. Amer E
“I now have tools and processes to embrace change and will use the LAFFe model and reframing especially”. Tina A
“I learnt a lot of things to help me deal with my current situation.” Fiona B
“My outcomes were to handle change better and learn techniques to do so. And also overcome myself – non action / attitude. Yes I have tools to do this.” Eric C